Winners of the competition in 2024:
1st place: MISS BAKEMONO
2nd place: NANDO
3rd place: LOBIE
Winners of the competition in 2024:
1st place: MISS BAKEMONO
2nd place: NANDO
3rd place: LOBIE
Winners of the competition in 2023:
1st place: GLIN – Elsa – Frozen 2 – Portugal
2nd place: JEYKE – Medicine Seller – Mononoke – Brasil
3rd place: MEOWMEOWCOSPLAY – Mirror Queen – Brothers Grimm – EUA
Winners of the competition in 2022:
1st place: Wiktor Ksiazek – Talon – Dragonborn from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Poland
2nd place: Koen van Herk – Dutch Dovahkiin – Senua Ratchet (Ratchet Gladiator) – Netherlands
3rd place: Alexandra Baranova – Sasha – Vex’ahlia – Bulgaria
Winners of the competition in 2011:
1st place: Damien Ratte (França)
2nd place: Raquel Maria (Portugal)
3rd place: Nadia Baiardi (Italia)
Winners of the competition in 2012:
1st place: Natalia Telias (Reino Unido)
2nd place: Diego Pereira (Suíça)
3rd place: Isabelle Jeudy (França) | Inês Gomes (Portugal)
Winners of the competition in 2013:
1st place: Benjamin Hunt (Reino Unido)
2nd place: Jellywish (Suíça)
3rd place: Lisa Muner (Itália)
Winners of the competition in 2014:
1st place: Shappi Tora (Polónia)
2nd place: Arryssia Cosplay (Suíça)
3rd place: Marlies Keijzer (Holanda)
Winners of the competition in 2015:
1st place: Andrea Dolores Milanovic (Sérvia)
2nd place: Mônica Somenzari (Brasil)
3rd place: Ales Strmiska (Républica Checa)
Winners of the competition in 2016:
1st place: Jonhy Santiago (Brasil)
2nd place: Darja Voitjuka (Letónia)
3rd place: Helena Alarãvi (Filândia)
Winners of the competition in 2017:
1st place: Tomy Haapoja (Hapsu) (Filândia)
2nd place: Cindy Schmeltz Vorre (MeanKitteh) (Brasil)
3rd place: Jaqueline Fernandes(Jeyke)(Dinamarca)